MeteoMeet – August
Program by the Institute of Meterology and Climatology from Leibniz University Hannover. More Details soon. Meeting Link will be the same as in July.
Program by the Institute of Meterology and Climatology from Leibniz University Hannover. More Details soon. Meeting Link will be the same as in July.
ECS Networking Icebreaker Public information: Unfortunately, this year's EMS has to take place in a virtual format. Due to the Corona pandemic, opportunities for early career scientists (ECS) to meet new people at live conferences have diminished over the past year. Therefore, we would like to organise an ECS icebreaker at the start of the […]
Further details are coming as soon as possible.
At this meeting we will get a short overview lecture from the University of Cologne.
The meeting will be hosted by Julián Giles and there will be a presentation about the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina and the Center for Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (CIMA).